
Food Pantry Update

Posted on April 06, 2021 in: General News

Thank you to all who continue to donate to our pantry.  There are close to 50 families and individuals who rely on the pantry.  Funds they don’t spend on what the pantry can provide can be spent on expenses like medical, rent or electric.  The need among the economically challenged remains significant.  Please continue to keep those in need in your thoughts and prayers
This week our pantry needs are:
  • Red & black beans
  • Small mayonnaise
  • Pancake mix
  • Paper towels
  • Shampoo & conditioner
  • Deodorant

Stop & Shop gift cards enabling clients to purchase perishables, and fast food gift cards for our shelter clients are always welcome.

Please note – All donations must be brought to Human Services, downstairs from the Rectory Office.

If you or someone you know is experiencing financial hardship, and would like more information on our food pantry, contact Human Services at 516- 538-7465. All conversations and information are strictly confidential.

The pantry can provide dry food, personal hygiene and cleaning supplies monthly on an as needed basis.  Clients are asked to confirm their address (must live within the parish boundaries), complete a budget and household information form and provide documentation to support their need.

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