
Opportunities to Offer Support

Posted on September 11, 2020 in: General News

The generosity of all those who are maintaining your spiritual and financial support of St. Thomas is deeply appreciated.  We are facing a substantial deficit for the coming year.  Presently our weekly collection brings in each week about 75% of what we received last year on the same weekend.  Anything you can do to help the Parish financially – including one-time gifts – will be most helpful.  You may place your donation in the collection box as you enter the church or chapel, send it to the rectory office, or donate online (click here for details).

St. Thomas the Apostle School has re-opened, thanks be to God.  Please pray for the continued health of our students and their families and our school staff.  Preparing our school to open safely has incurred some extraordinary expenses.  If you wish to support the safe running of our school, please consider a donation for this purpose.  Checks designated for school safety can be sent to the rectory office or donations may be made online (click here).

September 19-20 is the date for a special collection for our Diocese’s retired priests residing at St. Pius X Enriched Living Facility in Amityville.  We all know at least one of these priests, Monsignor Alesandro.  An envelope is in the packet of envelopes that was sent to registered parishioners.  Use it to show your gratitude for these priests’ devoted service.  Please mail it in or drop it off in the collection box in the church or chapel next week and thank you for your generosity.

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