Mother's Rosary Group

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As a group of women we have begun meeting every other Monday to pray the Rosary. We may never have met were it not for a common link among us. We have all lost a child, whether it be a stillborn or miscarried infant, of a child lost to accident, cancer, heart problems, or suicide. We are not only from St. Thomas the Apostle Parish, some of us are from surrounding communities and all are welcome to join us.

Mothers, if you have suffered the loss of a child at any age and from whatever cause, please join us for informal meetings of prayer. We share together the Rosary in honor of Our Blessed Lady and ask her help for all our deceased children, our families, and for ourselves. Knowing that you are not alone through this devastating emotional, physical and mental trauma of life gives us great comfort, healing and peace.


With the support and inspiration of Father Andrzej we will meet every other Monday, starting November 9th, in the school, from 7:30 p.m. till 9:30 p.m.

You are welcome to join us to find peace, friendship and love.

For more information, please call:

Fr. Andrzej 489-8585

Anne            766-6384

Pat               868-9859


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