
Diocesan Text to Give Program

Posted on April 08, 2020 in: General News

With the current health crisis affecting so many of our parishioners we thank all those who are keeping up their support. For all those who are not able to do so, our prayers are with you that you will be restored to fiscal health as our nation recovers its physical health.
Faith Direct (click here for info) offers a safe and secure means of supporting our parish.  For those who do not use Faith Direct, our Diocese has developed its own Text to Give Program
Here’s how it’s done:
Text keyword 063parishstthomas to (516) 271-3338
Anyone with a mobile phone with the ability to text can participate in this effort. 
Parishioners will be able to use a credit card and even set up a recurring donation.  Funds for our parish will be received into an account and the diocese will keep track of our parish’s individual donations.  At the end of the month, our parish’s account will be credited with the donations received.
I tried it myself, and it went smoothly – and the donor receives an email receipt. There is a small transaction donation which is optional.
Please consider using this safe and secure method while we are not able to celebrate together in person – but always in spirit!
Msgr. Frank Maniscalco

