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Little Rock

Young Adults Scripture Study Program

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All young adults in their 20's & 30's are invited to join us.

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Preparations for Wednesday, October 27th, 1999:

Read Luke's Gospel chapter 9. Answer questions from the second half of Lesson 5 in the Little Rock Study Guide.


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What happened last Wednesday (Oct. 20th, 1999):

We discussed why one part of the bible says that our good deeds should shine like a lamp placed on a stand and another part of the bible states that we should not let the left hand know when the right hand is giving money to the poor. We concluded that our intentions are the key to interpreting these passages. If we are giving to charity and are going to Mass primarily to be noticed and to make other people think that we are holy, then we are off track and need to become more humble and less visible. If however, we are doing our good works for the glory of God and if we are hoping to inspire or educate others about good works then we should be seen. We also noted that if we publicly acknowledge the good deeds of others we would be letting the light of charity shine without getting any personal credit.

See you next week.

Praise be to Jesus Christ……….


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