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St. Thomas the Apostle Church - 24 Westminster Road, West Hempstead, NY  11552


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Development Campaign


What You Are Being Asked To Do

Saint Thomas the Apostle Church needs to raise as much money as possible to ease the burden on our future by addressing important repair and restoration projects. Each and every member of our parish is vital to the success of this important fund raising endeavor. We turn to you, our parish community, because your special generosity is needed. Please consider making a sacrificial pledge to the best of your ability.

The pledge plans can be used to guide you in making your decision. Please consider them carefully and select one that best fits your family's financial situation. The pledge plans indicate the manner in which your contribution can be made, that is, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually, according to your means.

  1. Read over and prayerfully consider a sacrificial gift. Talk to family members and financial advisors, if necessary.

  2. Fill out the enclosed pledge card. Please list the total pledge amount, any down payment you will be sending in with your pledge, and indicate the payment plan you prefer for the remainder of the pledge.

    Down payments are not necessary, but help to provide the cash flow needed to begin the project. A 10% down payment is suggested; you can give more or less than 10% if you wish.

  3. Please mail the completed pledge card, drop it in the Sunday collection, or bring it to the Parish Office by July 25th. If we receive your card by that date, you will not receive a follow-up contact, thus reducing the workload of our dedicated volunteers.

  4. If you prefer, a Campaign volunteer will contact you beginning the week of July 26th and you can discuss the Campaign with him or her, or call Dan Neesham in the Campaign Office at (516) 489-8585.

Remember, not everyone can make the same size gift.

However, everyone can make an equal sacrifice.

Click here to print and download a contribution form

Every Family Will Have The Opportunity To Participate...

Every registered parish family has been invited to attend a special reception during our campaign. Each reception will include a short presentation to give Monsignor Jim and our campaign leadership an opportunity to discuss the campaign in greater detail, answer your questions, and address your concerns. You will not be asked to make your pledge at the reception, we will however, ask you to take the information and materials home with you and prayerfully consider how you can help.

This special brochure containing all the details of the Campaign will be distributed to every household in our parish community. We ask that every family consider our request for a pledge and return their pledge cards with a decision by Sunday, July 25, 2004.

We hope to have as many pledge cards as possible returned by ‘Commitment Weekend’ – July 24th & 25th. We will then begin the process of contacting those parishioners from whom we have not heard. Parish Volunteers, not professional solicitors, will be giving their time to undertake the vital task of contacting as many families as possible in August. As fellow parishioners, who have already made their pledge, they will gladly discuss any questions you may have. They may be somewhat nervous asking you for a pledge, but the courtesy you extend them will be an encouragement toward their efforts and sacrifice. Your friendly and gracious reception of volunteers who contact you will make it an easier and a much more enjoyable experience for all concerned.

The Campaign Volunteers will only be contacting those parishioners who could not attend a campaign reception and have not returned a pledge card with their decision by July 25th.

"Everyone must give according to what he or she has inwardly decided; not grudgingly, for God loves a cheerful giver. God can multiply his favors among you so that you will always have enough of everything and even a surplus for good works." - St. Paul (2 Cor. 9:7-8)

Click here to print and download a contribution form



10% Down

3 Annual

12 Quarterly

36 Monthly























































"Honor the Lord with your wealth, with first fruits of all your produce; Then will your barns be filled with grain, with new wine your vats will overflow" - Proverbs 3:9-10

Click here to print and download a contribution form


  • All contributions from the largest to the smallest are accepted, needed and greatly appreciated. Your decision is a personal one. It should be made in good conscience and in true Christian spirit.

  • Payments should be made over a period of 36 months or less, although a longer period may be arranged if necessary.

  • Pledge payments are in addition to your regular offertory contribution. The Sunday offertory collection pays for the day-to-day operation of the parish, while your pledge to this Campaign will be used specifically to reduce our debt.

  • Payment reminders and a special payment envelope will be mailed to you in accordance with the payment schedule you select on the pledge card.

  • Pledges are not legally binding, but rather an indication of your intention.

  • Whatever amount you decide to contribute will be held in strict confidence.

  • Please make your check payable to: "St. Thomas Capital Fund Campaign" 

Click here to print and download a contribution form

An Appeal for Special Generosity…

Whatever you decide to contribute should have some relationship to how you live and how generous God has been in your life. If you are financially able to pledge as much as $10,000 to $25,000, $50,000 or even $100,000 we ask you to be leaders in our campaign with these more substantial gifts.

No one can tell you how much to give. Because the financial obligations of each family are different only the individual parishioner or family can actually decide what to contribute.

Click here to print and download a contribution form

Tax Advantages of Thoughtful Giving

Federal and State laws on income and inheritance taxes encourage charitable giving. For example, the donation of stock that has appreciated in value allows the donor to deduct the full value of the stock while avoiding a capital gains tax by donating the stock to the church as opposed to selling the stock and donating the proceeds. This has proven to be an effective way to make a meaningful gift to the parish while enjoying significant tax advantages. In addition to monetary commitments and appreciated securities, we welcome contributions of real property, or other valuables. All contributions to the campaign are tax deductible to the maximum allowable amount. Please consult with your accountant or tax advisor.

Click here to print and download a contribution form

What Does My Pledge Compare To?

Think about some daily expenses that you might consider giving up in support of the Parish. What might you sacrifice in order to make a generous pledge? Remember a $4,000 pledge is about $3.50 a day.


In a year

Over 3 years








































Click here to print and download a contribution form

A Letter from Msgr. Jim

As we're in high gear with our Major Development Campaign, let me offer some thoughts on where we've been and where I hope we can go. When I arrived here as Pastor eight years ago, I came with a dedication to observing what truly needs to be accomplished. With the help of many good people who were very willing to give me advice and counsel, we came up with a list of priority items for doing. These included:

  • Bringing the parish to a state of ongoing economic stability. Trying to be certain that we'd never live with debt. Happily, that's happened. We're in the black for over seven years and always able to meet our financial responsibilities.

  • Bringing stability and growth to the Parish School. You may remember that our school went through a challenging time some years ago. There was even talk of closing St. Thomas School. That fear has long since passed. Gratefully, we have full enrollment and a waiting list in some grades. Of the Catholic schools in our region, St. Thomas School has the highest enrollment, the lowest tuition and the smallest subsidy or financial dependency on the parish.

  • I came determined to create a rectory that was peaceful and joyous. Too many rectories aren't. Happily, we are a happy house. And that happiness affects the parish for the good. It's not surprising that both Father Andrzej and Paul sought extensions from the diocese on their assignments here. Nor is it unexpected that of all the places Father Brian could choose to live in residence, he chose St. Thomas Parish. Priests like Father Abraham, Father Hugh, Father Larry, Father Anthony, Father Matthew, Father Jim and Monsignor Frank, further attest to our richly blessed priestly staff.

  • We've developed the very best of lay staffs over the past eight years too. In Religious Education, School Administration, Youth Ministry, Parish Outreach, the Business Manager's Office, the front office and in Parish Bookkeeping, we have generous, talented and incredibly competent people.

  • We've been able to increase funding spent at the Chapel, improving both its look as a place of worship and its comfort level through the installation of Air Conditioning and seating cushions.

  • We've also been blessed by the establishment of a number of Shrines which help to create a climate of prayerfulness and increased spirituality in our parish. Among these are the Shrine of St. Pio, the Shrine dedicated to Our Lady, the Shrine dedicated to St. Therese, the Little Flower, and the Shrine to St. Patrick. The placement of quality religious art has also enhanced our environment of prayer and discernment. The paintings of St. Thomas the Apostle and his encounter with the risen Christ, and the newly placed painting of The Annunciation, add particular richness to the church.

  • I'm especially delighted that, at last, both the upper and lower church are blessed with accessibility for the disabled and wheelchair bound. The elevator and lift were long overdue. Happily, our chapel has been accessible for some time.

  • The recent renovation of the church basement to establish a new and very popular Parish Center is a special blessing to our community. The constant flow of traffic through the center affirms its need and desirability.

I mentioned these positive developments because there is so much that's right about St. Thomas the Apostle. And each of these progressions is due to your support and dedication. Now we embark on making sure that everything that's been built will be sustained and renewed. That's where the success of this Campaign is so important. We are almost seventy five years old. We need to fix and repair this great parish facility we so enjoy. And the success of the Development Campaign lies not with just a few families; it is the responsibility of every one of us. So please pray over how much you can do to support this important Campaign.

So much good has already happened. But so much remains to be done. Please be a part of that positive future for the parish we love.

Have a peace-filled week.

In His Love,

Msgr. Jim Lisante
Msgr. Jim Lisante, Pastor

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