Rev. Andrzej Zglejszewski

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Father Andrzej

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Dear Friends,

I am back and I am ready for another season of OASIS!

I am preparing another series of talks called "The stories of God".  They will take place in the Spring and the dates will be announced soon.

  Throughout  the centuries God spoke to us in the variety of ways.  Every way of his self-expression to us become a story, the story God is telling us.  We will reflect on these stories.

                     February 28, 2000          Story of Love and Forgiveness

                         March 28, 2000          Story of Life

Come and bring your friends

Yours in Christ Jesus,

Fr. Andrzej



"To Everything a Season"  Bonnie Thurston this beautiful study of the Spirituality of Time Bonnie Thurston offers what we all need: a spirituality of time that sees time as the context of our meeting with God...


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 .....Pains of Love are sweeter far than all other pleasures are.....

 John Dryden 

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