
Posted on September 12, 2017 08:45

Invitations and raffle tickets for our annual Dinner Dance have been mailed out.  If you did not get yours, please call the Rectory (489-8585) and one will be sent to you.   This annual social event and fundraiser will take place on Saturday, November 18th at nearby Cherry Valley Country Club from 7pm-12am.  

This year our honorees will be: Richard Seery, Sr., Irmi and Richard Seery, Jr., and Regina and Chris Todd.  Our theme of "Partners in Grace" speaks to the partnerships of dedicated parishioners such as the Seerys and Todds who have worked together with fellow parishioners and parish clergy over many years to build up our parish community.  We honor them for their service and dedication.

CLICK HERE for detailed information about attending the dinner dance.  CLICK HERE for the form for ticket sales and journal advertisements. There are many opportunities available to participate and to support our parish in doing so.

If you cannot attend the dinner, please consider purchasing some raffle tickets or reserving a journal ad.  A journal ad might include  anniversary greetings, testimonials, remembrances, photos, memorials or special intentions.  We encourage you to attend, or support, this important annual fundraiser in any way that your means will allow.

The venue is close by, and we have moved the dinner to a Saturday evening, with the hope that these changes will make it easier for more people attend.  If you have any questions, please contact Cindi Krisel, Dinner Dance Chairperson, at (516) 319-3812 or [email protected].


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