Lector News and Notes

As we enter the new year, I hope your holiday memories are filled with much joy and peace. Amazingly enough, this new lector schedule covers the entire Lenten season including Easter. As of now, there will be no daily evening Mass during Lent. But volunteers will be needed for Easter Sunday and selected liturgies during the Lenten season. Please wait until you receive a separate mailing on this to volunteer. Thanks in advance to all who can find the time to participate.

If anyone has gained or changed an e-mail address, please let me add you to our growing list. It is a great way to get in touch when time is an issue. Just e-mail me your new address at [email protected]

John Ford was kind enough to share a Lector Checklist used at another parish. Though many of these items will be familiar to most of you, some of the most useful suggestions are included here:

Review the readings beforehand. If you are not sure about the pronunciation of certain words, refer to the Lector Workbook or look them up.

Don't be afraid of pauses. These can add great emphasis. In those few seconds of silence, we can capture the attention of the audience.

Some readers have the habit of dropping their voices at the end of sentences -- and that part may be lost to many in the audience. The end of a sentence is just as important as the beginning. Try to give the proper emphasis to every word.

Vary the pace. Some phrases should be a bit faster than others. The pitch should also be varied to avoid a monotone presentation.

Each reading ends with 'The Word of the Lord.' (Not 'This is the Word of the Lord.') Those words are not part of the reading itself and should be separated by a distinct pause before those final words are spoken.

When the lector reads the Responsorial Psalm, the lector only reads the response once, at the outset. The congregation then reads that line by itself -- the lector should not repeat it.

It is natural and encouraged for the lector to look up from the book occasionally. One way to reduce the risk of losing your place in the reading is to keep one finger at the end of the line being read and move it down the page as you go.

Try to avoid stopping in the middle of a sentence when turning the page. Use the fingers of your right hand to begin lifting the page well before reaching the bottom, be satisfied you are holding only a single page and turn it quickly at the right time.

Speak slowly but not softly. Shouting isn't necessary, but speaking up is.

Thanks so much for sharing your talent and your time.

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