The St. Thomas Parents Club & 50th Anniversary Committee
"Communion Brunch"
The Rededication of
St. Thomas the Apostle School

Sunday, March 11, 2001
10:30 Mass
Celebrant - Msgr. James P. Lisante
St. Thomas the Apostle Church
Followed by
Rededication and Brunch
Msgr. Smith Auditorium

$10 Adult
$2.50 Student
(Grade 1 - 8)
Kindergarten and Under - Free

For 50 years St. Thomas has been a school of excellence in education. Imparting knowledge and strengthening faith has been the focal point of the school's mission. This anniversary offers an ideal opportunity to renew this sacred commitment by rededicating our school and our parish to the future of our children. As a supporting member of our parish please join us on this special day.

Fill out the tear-off below and send to the Rectory before 3/1/01 marked "Communion Brunch" Thank you!

Name: ____________________________________    Phone: _________________________

Adults: _____                Students: _____                    Total Amount enclosed: $____________

Sending this form with payment will confirm your reservation to the Brunch.

Please make checks payable to "St. Thomas the Apostle School"

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